Q). What is RobbHub?

A). We’re primarily a platform where people can purchase SaaS products, WordPress themes and plugins, coding courses, libraries, and so much more.


Q). How do I list my product on RobbHub?

A). You would complete our application form and we’ll get back to you after submission. We’re usually incredibly prompt.


Q). How long is the process to get my product listed?

A). We can get your product on our platform in under 48 hours.


Q). What is RobbHub’s cut of sales?

A). We operate on a 50/50 net.


Q). How long do I have to wait before seeing payment?

A). Payments are made quarterly after your product is listed on our platform.


Q). Does my product have to be listed exclusively with RobbHub?

A). No, but we do offer more favorable turns for exclusivity.


Q). Is RobbHub publicly traded?

A). We are currently not publicly traded.


Q). Who owns RobbHub?

A). Robb Hub is owned by Robb Consulting Group Corporation.


Q). How do I be a guest on the podcast?

A). You can call, text, chat, email, or schedule a video meeting with us.


Q). I have more questions; how do I get in touch with you guys?

A). You can call, text, chat, email, or schedule a video meeting with us.

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